99. Distant

We went to the Farmer’s Market this morning and this pretty kitty followed us for some time, but kept his distance!  I fell in love with those eyes!

I found my old Canon Powershot 6 camera….I forgot how good of a picture it really takes.

Camera: Canon Powershot 6, Shot in Auto,  Focal Length:  29 mm, Aperture F/3,  Shutter Speed 1/60:   Processed in PSE8, adjusted levels, increased saturation a bit, cropped and sharpened

~ by Tammy on May 22, 2010.

17 Responses to “99. Distant”

  1. Oh, you’re making me want to get a kitty! Those eyes are amazing….

    • My kitty died a few years ago (19 yrs old)…and I would love another kitty except my husband is allergic to them…I had the cat before the husband LOL

  2. Most likely a WoW Syster’s cat wondering what one of the Grand PoohBaas is doing out and about in broad daylight! Love her fur colour too.

    • That would explain why he followed me everywheres, probably one of your spies…

  3. Yes, those eyes and that soft, fluffy fur. Is that the Canon G6? That is a superior camera to your other one… unless you plan to take underwater pics. That should hold you over a little better while you wait for the “real” camera to return.

    • Yes, but it is the older version…that is what I used before I got my XSI 2 years ago…I forgot what good pics it takes, but it is extremely slow and doesn’t zoom like I am used to, but it will definitely hold me over! I am happy I kept it!

      • We still have our G2. Carl says that it is worth about $7 on ebay… but I wouldn’t sell it even if were worth more. It always took excellent pics… just not enough pixels these days. Probably never use it again… but its there in storage for whatever.

    • I never thought I would use this one again…and it is coming in handy! 🙂

  4. She is a very pretty kitty with beautiful blue eyes. I love how you have her framed.

  5. Pretty kitty, love those blue eyes and the fur too.

  6. I still have my Kodak point and shoot and it always took great photos. I keep it as a back up. 🙂
    What a cute face 🙂

  7. I still usse my Powershot and I swear sometimes I can’t tell which camera pictures came from. I love those eyes too.

  8. My daughter would have loved it…she has a thing for fluffy cats!

  9. Great composition. Fabulous color. The details are amazing.

  10. Lovely still-life, love the muted colour. You must have had nice even light for the original shot, very nice!

  11. You didn’t take him home??? Gorgeous eyes and such soft coloured fur.

    Cats are just such beautiful animals…

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